so many things have happened the past month i find it really hard to absorb
i wish things werent the way they were... i feel like its a dream
but i woke up this morning and realised that it wasnt.. and it only made me feel like shit
i wish time could rewind and i wish i could haf been there..
i know it wouldnt haf made a difference because most of the time... it seems im not there even though im there...
sometimes i wish i never knew any of u because i hate being hurt..
but its impossible because its cos of u guys that i feel loved..
i guess time will heal everything but i know its gona be hard..
why mus love be so complicated and hurtful?
why mus friends lie to one another?
why mus bros fight each other?
Is it my destiny to let pple walk all over me?
im sick and tired of all this .. i wish i could end it all now...