Wow.. time reallie passes by very fast... jus a couple of years ago we celebrated my granddad's 80th birthday.. and freaking hell.. today is his 90th birthday.. haha gona have a huge dinner tonight where all the relatives from hong kong coming down for dinner.. haha.. i hate this kinda gatherings man.. dad's side cousins are like all studious kind and boring to hang out with.. like seriously.. and dad's always comparing us with them.. mom's side is er... how shud i put this.. all still to young? i tink the oldest is like sec 1 and the rest are all too young to even step into an arcade by themselves.. haha.. lucky i haf my bros and ya.. dont know wad to do without them..
Speaking of which.. haha.. some of us in da group have reallie changed la.. dont know wad to say man... like u dont even know him/her anymore.. sad to say la but its true.. anyway shout out to howie.. bro.. im sure one day jeongy will be cool wit u again.. haha.. but not that i want to say u la.. that was a fucking mean thing to say abt him.. haha.. i mean after all we've been friends for wad.. at least 7 years already? maybe even more.. haha.. y say hurtful things like this? anway its over already la..
Anyway happie 22nd birthday to MiKE and jAsOn.. been great knowing u blokes.. haha.. all the GGing and stuff.. haha.. shoutout to ashley too.. haha eh mike reallie likes u la plus he's dam nice.. hahaha.. sorrie mike ( GG ) haha.. dont know wad to fuck im talking abt la.. its like 530 in the morning already.. lemme see...BROS FOREVER!!!!!!!!! this pic is for howie and jeong.

and this is for sam.. haha i miss u bro..
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