Wednesday, August 29, 2007
lost... and never found

Thursday, August 23, 2007
food for thought

I dont only want to be rich.. i wanna be more successful dan my parents!! So i can provide for my future wife and kids... =Pp
Sammie BOY: u need drive and ambition.. if u have drive but no ambition.. no use.. u got ambition but no drive.. even worse.. u gotta have both..
Thanks bro.. im gona remember that forever.. anyway after talking to sam that day.. he reallie got me thinking... education is creating a path for ur career.. without education.. u haf no path at all.. so the least we shud all do is get a degree.. hmmm.. times running out for all of us.. not young already.. our parents wont be able to support us for much longer.. sigh..
so many things to do.. so little time.. +___+ haha.. anyway im still considering between studying in Melbourne or SIM.. because recently ive read that SIM is offering the same course as i can do in Melbourne.. sigh.. dont know la sian.. but then again rite.. animation as a career wont get me far unless i go to hollywood and work wif pixar or some shit... but do i really want that? sigh... business ... not interested in it leh.. hotel management.. its fun until we had to do the marketing and accounting part.. haha.. aiyoooo... but i know im definately going to sign up for the property agent course.. haha.. mayb one day i'll take over mom.. and set up my own company and get it listed.. muahahah
Anyway... im reallie happie for the recent get togethers of a couple of friends..
HOWIE VS sharon
ANdrew VS suping
Jem VS meiru
im reallie happy for them.. especially jem jem.. after all those hard times trying to jio girls... after good charlotte concert mishap.. haha.. after everything.. im glad his fairy tale has a happy ending.. but this is only the start of his fairy tale.. haha love u bro..
Which got me thinking again... haha.. i looked into the mirror that day and reallie thought hard at myself... haha.. i reallie do haf that loser look haha.. honestly.. and although jem say he is more loser dan me.. we realli know who the real loser is.. haha.. sigh.. ok lets see.. 1. im fat 2. im stupid. 3. im lazy.. 4. im irritating. 5. cant drive. 6. cant study. 7. cant bowl. 8. im ugly 9. waste money 10. NO MONEY !!!
haha .. need i say more? =) sometimes i wish i wasnt brought into this cruel world la.. and although my dad doesnt say it.. i know he is quite disappointed wif me la.. cant tell.. im like... hopeless..haha.. well.. i bet he wished he wore a condom that time.. hahaha.. =)) nvm la.. anyway my mom also said b4.. she never wanted me.. she wanted a girl hahaha..
Andrew... thanks for saying wad u did in genting.. i'll always remember that.. i still remember and i tink abt it everyday.. if u cant remember this is wad u said..
ANDREW: although foong will never get a girl because of the way he is... at least he is not showing a different side of who he is... who he is ... is wad he is.. !!! anyway bro.. i love u more than the coke i ever drank or the beer u ever drank.. TAH!!!!!!!!!
HOWIE... thanks for always pang sehhing us... haha.. no shit dude.. if it wasnt for u.. we wont realise that true friends exists.. i mean.. we're the true friends..not u
Alex.. thanks for always bring fun and laughter into my life.. dota and WOW.. oh ya and fishing.. and i hope we are still on the peace treaty.. hmm if u gif me 10 gold.. i'll whack jeong when he is sleeping.. hahahah
Jeremy.. GG bro.. hahahah.. no comments.. ure the best there is.. i cant ask for better..
eugene: thanks for always being so fun to be around.. dont worry abt beijing.. there are always other tournaments =pPp jackpot!!
PEk: thanks for always being the bigger and stronger little bro.. hahaha ABBNB
keith: GG I/c ... hahah.. thanks for being around when we need u .. =PpP
SAM: bro... those times in aussie reallie brought us together man.. although we had some ups and some downs.. i know u will always be here for me and i want u to know i'll always be here for u.. no shit sherlock.. i love u more than the leaves in the forest.. the fishes in the sea and the clouds in the sky.
JEONG: uncle kj!!!! haha.. thanks for being the best brother in the world.. although my bowling and cuteness outshines u... haha.. there is always time to grow back hair and become vaness again.. mayb then u can gif me a ride in ur SLK hahahaha.. dont tell me to go to ele.. i mean hell.. hahaha..
AH BEE: oi.... thanks for always having fun wif us.. honestly.. haha.. all those great times... genting hong kong and kelongs.. hahaha.. wont b fun at all if u werent there.. but remember the first time we went kelong? hah we both wished there was a helicopter to take us home
Meg: to my bestest mei in the whole world.. haha..although we dont talk much anymore.. i realy wanna thank u for always being there when i needed someone to talk to.. without u.. i wouldnt have made it thru those tough times.. haha.. anwyay.. love u always..=PpP
Sharon: dont let howie bully u.. hahahha.. and dont always bully him.. mus love each other.. =PpPp thanks for helping me with alof of stuff.. and the laptop muahaha... owe u big time!!!
Ashies: time will let us know each other better... haha... =PpP stay sweet and nice... love havin u around..
MIKE: SGT mike.. rota 1.. sect comd.. hahha.. oi.. u better go jio ashley lam faster ok.. shes getting on my nerves.. hahahaha...
Meiru: better take out ur tongue piercing.. later jem's tongue kenna stuck somehow when u guys tongue wrestle.. =P take care of jem.. hope we all get to know u better..
k guys.. its been great knowing all of u.. sorrie if i did any screwed up things to u.. fucking tired.. this post take dam long to do.. foOng OUT!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
A sinister feeling

Staring at the moon... reminds me of us
The times we spent together... it all went by fast..
Looking back.. we did haf alot of great times with each other
But what i really want is to go on like this forever and ever
WHispering sweet nothings into ur ears..
Like we need nothing else as long as we have each other
I'll always remember ur perfect angelic face and smile
Even if we're apart by a Zillion miles
Sometimes i wanna hug u tight..
But i know that wouldnt seem right..
Hopefully time will let us know each other faster..
Cos i know my time is near..
And i hope u'll always remember me...
As the emo kia that brought u fear.. hahahah =_=
Sunday, August 19, 2007
our love story

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The moon was high
All alone Just her and I
Her hair so soft
Her eyes so blue
I knew just what She wanted to do
Her skin so soft
Her legs so fine
I ran my fingers Down her spine
I didn't know how But I tried my best
To place my hand On her breasts
I remember my fear
My fast beating heart
But slowly she spread Her legs apart
And when she did it I felt no shame
All at once The white stuff came
At last it's finished
It's all over now
My first time Milking a cow!
there is another first time.. but that is another story.. muahahahaha
Monday, August 13, 2007
pple do crazy things when they are in love

God gave me a pair of arms to hold u when u fall..
A pair of eyes to capture ur beauty
Most importantly a heart to love u eternally
I know i realli am not anyone's hero
For all i know.. im jus a huge fat zero
but i dont care.. i know that i might never get to hold u in my arms
Or be with u when u need me..
But the times spent together is more than enough
im contented to be around u.. whether ur happy or sad
When times are good or bad..
U can count on me... no matter how tough things are
I'll be ur listening ear.. no matter where i am.. no matter how far
They say its destiny that we meet.. and fate that we became friends
Well.. i beg to differ..
tO MeEt, tO kNoW, tO LoVe and tO PaRt Is ThE SaDdEsT TaLe Of A hUmAn HeArT...
Saturday, August 11, 2007
i hope

My hand holding urs... looking at the sunset
Whispering sweet nothings into ur ears
This is wad i dream that maybe one day would happen
But my story is a little diff from shrek..
He's is a fairy tale... mIne is the cruel world
No one laughs at him for being fat
No one laughs at him for liking someone he shouldnt
Pple have learnt to accept that he is like this
Why cant pple accept me... for who i am...
Perhaps we are alike in certain ways..
He has good friends like donkey.. i haf good bros.... like ( u know who u guys are )
Sigh.. mayb god has better plans for me in future... i hope..
Thursday, August 9, 2007
pursuit of happyness

No matter how far..
i'll catch up wif u in my flying carpet
Pick u up.. fly u to the moon
i wanna live in this moment.. i dont want it to end all to soon
Let me take u wonder by wonder
Showing u the Cities good sights
And my love for u wont be blinded by the big bright lights
forever and ever ......
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
never ending blissfulness

U are my love and joy.. my upmost pride
My world seems incomplete without u here
At the side of my eye.. i spot a tear
All i haf is a tale as old as time
For alas .. u cannot be mine
In our fairy tale im the beast
And u are my beauty..
My last rose will forever belong to you
Even if its rosy red petals turn blue
Sunday, August 5, 2007
genting trip... again.. !!
anyway we finally got our rooms and we all went to get a quick nap..during which.. i tink some pple quarellled.. haha.. dan woke up at 2 plus and decided to go for lunch.. i only had like 2 hrs of sleep cos i kept waking up.. and was feeling extremely annoyed.. apparently ash wanted all of us to sit together but as i figured wad for squeeze.. so i sat somewhere else.. and andrew sat wif me... i tink she got kinda upset so she left and went back to her room after lunch. ( sorrie ash.. i reallllie am ) somehow.. everyone kinda made it look like i did something wrong anyway... we continued lunch for a while before we went to look for ash to ask if everything was ok.. she said she was ok and everyone decided to go on and play.. but i needed to charge my phone so i went back first... dan everyone came .. and ask me to hurry up.. dan i said.. u guys go ahead.. i'll join later..
dan suddenly howie came in and said.. fuck la.. u see la.. u made her upset again.. dan i said.. fuck la.. all i wanna do is charge my phone.. i mean... "wad the fuck man.. my fault? charging phone a crime? i asked ur go ahead.. no one asked ur wait.. ok lor.." everything blame me.. everyhting my fault la ah... ok? happy? everyone happy?evryting i do seems wrong.. sighhhh
anyway i stopped charging and went wif everyone to the theme park.. everyone except me went for the stupid flying thingy wadeva u call it.. here are the pics ..
after that we went to play some archery.. and after which we made our way to the haunted house... which i found out wasnt scary anymore cos they added alot of lighting inside.. haha.. but they also added 3D effects which made it quite cool.. right after the haunted house was ripleys.. wasnt very interesting la.. i jus went there like last month.. haha. hmmm.. by then it was about dinner time.. so we went for "K dinner".. which was quite cool cos we onli paid for the food and we got to sing ktv.. haha.. everyone sang dam well especially bernice and alex.. haha.. it was approx 10 pm when we left that place to go look for a place to haf some drinks.. haha.. we found a sports bar so we went inside haha.. it was pretty cool la.. haha.. but after everyone left.. andrew and i went into some club/pub wif a live band.. they were quite hot la.. but the face CMI
we only stayed for a while... dan went back to the room.. soon after jeong and keith came over and we went out for a freaking cool bitching session hahaha.. we actually managed to bitch from abt 1 am to 5 am hahaha.. dam funny.. and keith was like half drunk.. anyway after that andrew and i went back to the room and continued our conversation.. finally slept at about 6.30 am and woke up at 12 pm. went for lunch at pizza hut and finally boarded the bus home.. haha..
all in all.. it was a great trip wif andrew la.. reallie did alot of catching up wif him.. :) i love all u guys too la.. last but not least. TO ASH : sorrie ... once again.. :) hope next time we'll haf more fun.. and yeah to everyone who thought i was dam attitude... "im like this.. cant do much abt it anymore.."
To my brother from another father and mother... u and i are alike in more ways than 1... we laugh when we are sad.. try to make others happy when we are not even happy.. i know u haf alot of probs and i hope everything turns out well.. i thank god he let us meet.. and become the best of bros.. 14 years and running.. i hope it will go on forever and ever.. thanks bro!!! :) reallie had a great time wif u
bros b4 hoes