THese few months saw many changes in my life... since april.. i haf completed my NS. Huge step for many young singaporean males.. haha.. i reallie miss those times where we could jus hang out at sicc playing blind man in the locker room... or jus playing soccer in the old tennis courts and getting chased out all the time.. haha..after that we would just hide in the alley and bowl or some shit.. haha... haiz... good ol days.. all we had to worry abt was school... which wasnt much of a prob.. haha.. miss school also..
Even though jeongy and i went overseas .. im glad we didnt drift apart.. its reallie heart warming that we haf friends that care so much for us and... honestly.. i already treat u guys as my family..
These few months saw 2 new friends joining us.. mainly ashley and sharon... i reallie hope we all live up to the famous words of..... care bear.. " friends forever" hahaha.. not even sure if care bear said that.. who cares..
anyway... life has been pretty sweet for me la.. travelling here and there.. having fun everyday.. but honestly . there has been alot of hating going on.. no names mentioned la.. but i reallie hope all this stops soon.. come on la.. we practically saw each other grew up.. from young kids to sensible adults.. guys.. its honestly a very hard thing to come by..we prolly know each other better dan we know ourselves..
anyway... im kinda running out of time .. so yeah.. i love all of u... forever and ever and ever *foOngy OUT!!
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