People always say friendship is a bond of trust and love... care and honesty... but that isnt always the case for friends nowadays.. u never know who to trust and who not to..
u never know when ure so called "best friend" is backstabbing u or talking shit behind ur back.. y cant everything just go back to the way it was when we were all young and innocent?
Remember the times when we first stepped into kindergarden? haha.. we were all so innocent. Phrases like..." i dont friend you already" haha.. were the most common things that children said.. i bet they still do it...
Sad to say... all these simplicity in life slowly evolved into a world filled with sin and lies... some friends argue with u over the smallest things like money or girls... or they abandon u because they haf found someone else more fun.. deep down inside i know that i dont haf many good friends... some pple appear to be my buddy and friend but deep down they hate me to the core.. haha
But i guess it was fate and destiny that we became friends... and time will tell us how long we can be friends... hopefully.. friends forever.. badboys for life =)
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