woOohOoo jus came home from watching transformers.. its the coolest show man.. i swear to god.. haha.. wah lau.. but the ending a bit suck la.. the stupid megatron died.. hahaha.. so easily.. sian man.. dan optimus prime like all of a sudden become so lousy when fighting megatron.. anyway whole movie is dam shiok.. especially megan fox shes super hot.. cant wait to see transformers 2 man.. but dan again.. alot of nice movies coming out also.. haha..i still like spiderman 3 haha.. venom is cool shit..

by the way.. this car is FUCKING cool... haha.. i'd take this car over a porche anytime man.. its cute and its freeeeaking powerful.. haha.. plus it can get me megan fox haha.. sigh... =Ppp
so tired now man.. but when i see her.. im filled with energy again.. shiok

ahh so beautiful... anyway take care peeps.. and remember.. if there is no sacrifice there is no victory.. also... theres more than meets the eye.. =PpPp
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